2DPlay.com -
Online gaming community with tons of fun games to play!
Home Preschool- Great preschool workbooks for parents!
Curriculum for Preschool and Kindergarten - A resource
for educators and parents teaching the alphabet and
pre-reading skills to preschool and kindergarten.
Virtual Restaraunt - kid and other sorts of links!
Amazing Kids - Helping kids realize their potential, one kid at a time.
Critters - drawing activities for kids!
Cruisecat -
check out the cool cruise cat site full of fun stuff
to do!
Richard Carlson -
a wonderful children's book author!
Kids - a great comprehensive kids web site directory.
DoozyCards -
for original, funny, and heartfelt flash animated cards.
We have e greetings for all holidays and occasions.
Does - great site featuring the character Dewey Does,
who helps kids learn to believe in themselves.
FunFind -
find fun stuff and entertainment resources on the web!
Dragon - The Children and Young People's Assembly
for Wales. Great site for kids, teens, and young adults!
Happy Birthday
Wishes - Neat site to send free birthday
e-cards of all types.
Kiddo.net - Create,
communicate and have fun on this kid-friendly site.
Kids News Room -
Weekly news for kids, featuring AFORD too!
Kids Online -
an entertaining site for kids with a bunch of links!
Kids Online Resources -
Education, Homework Help, games, and Parent stuff too!
Kids2Web - Family-safe
site for kids by kids with lots of fun and learning.
Kid Sites - great
stuff for kids to do including great family oriented coimcs!
for Kids - a parent's guide to the best sites for kids.
Indian Child -
a colorful search engine for children, parents and
Incredible Art Department - all types of art activities, lessons
and history for children and families!
Your Noggin' Toys - great toys for kids.
Kid Magazine - a great magazine for kids featuring
all sorts of fun information (and Aford too!). |